
Fight against global warming: Tereos confirms its commitment

CDP organisation (Carbon Disclosure Project) detailed on Tuesday 7/12 the Group's assessment of its carbon footprint.

On a scale of A to D-, Tereos maintains its “B” rating in the 2021 CDP ranking. This international non-profit organisation publishes each year its report detailing the environmental impact of international companies. The assessment analyses the actions taken in terms of governance of the climate issue, the objectives of reducing CO2 emissions, the reporting of “scope 3” emissions (indirect emissions), and the commitment in the value chain.  


A “high average” score  

CDP evaluate this year more than 13,000 companies, which is nearly 40% more than in 2020. This highlights the importance of this ranking for large international groups. All of the companies evaluated obtained an average of B-, all sectors included.   

Rated B for the second year in a row, Tereos is positioned within the average of European companies (also B), and outperforms the average of companies in the food sector: B-.   


2 levers identified to reduce our CO2 emissions  

Tereos is currently considering the decarbonisation of its activities along two lines:  

> Reducing energy consumption in all its industrial operations.  

> Increasing the share of renewable energies in its energy mix, which currently exceeds 50%.  

The decarbonisation of our activities is an ambitious project that is being built step by step in consultation with all the Group’s divisions (sugar and starch activities) in all the countries where Tereos operates,” explains Tony Tanios, Director of Energy & Sustainability. “This includes identifying pilot plants to initiate our energy transition. But it also means setting up consultations to assess the technical and financial feasibility of each project and evaluate the best deployment scenario.” 

A decarbonisation roadmap will detail the objectives and actions to be implemented by Tereos in 2022.