Our purpose

Cultivating. It’s always been our passion.
Every day, whatever the weather, we take care of the Earth and its Inhabitants.
Cultivating. For Tereos, it’s a vital impetus.
Reasoned, powerful and collective. The people who grow and transform the plant with pragmatism and high standards. Always looking to the future and to performance. So that we can be proud of our presence in people’s daily lives.
Cultivating also means cooperating.
From land to factory, from farmer to employee and right up to our customers, we are guided by our know-how and boldness. Together, we are nurturing talent so that tomorrow others can join our adventure.
Last but not least, cultivating means strengthening our ties with Nature by protecting our resources.
Because we know what we owe the Earth. Simply because our future depends on it.
“Cultivating a shared future for the Earth and People by meeting essential daily needs”
This is our purpose.
We cultivate the world’s professions. It’s a profession of the heart, a mindset and a passion. Cultivating means sowing and harvesting, nurturing talent and preparing for the future. Nature comes first, but it needs cultivation in every aspect. Cultivation is the driving force behind our actions.
a shared future
We cultivate for today… and for tomorrow: our responsible and resilient agricultural practices prepare us to adapt to changes in the climate, consumption patterns and technologies. As a company, we are collectively involved in society.
for the Earth and People
Without the Earth there is no agriculture—no life. Tereos grew up on the Earth. This is where it all began, with our plant-based raw materials. The Earth (“la Terre” in French) gave its name to our cooperative: Tereos. The Earth… but also the women and men that inhabit it: our cooperative members, our employees, our stakeholders, our customers and consumers. These are the citizens and communities of the regions in which we operate. “For the Earth and People” underscores our interdependence and the reciprocity that governs our relationships and gives our actions their humanity.
by meeting essential daily needs
This last part expresses all our know-how, the service we provide directly to consumers. It shows our pride in bringing so many products to market that are useful to life. Food, energy, animal feed, green chemistry, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, paper and cardboard… we meet many everyday needs.
Day by day, cultivating the future.
Our signature plays an essential role in Tereos’ identity. It is a concise and powerful expression of our promise to our stakeholders. Our signature is a way of communicating and embodying our raison d’être in a memorable and distinctive way.