
Tereos: Partner of InVivo Quest, open innovation program

Alongside start-ups, let’s accelerate the transition of the agri-food industry to better address climate challenges! 

Launched in 2017 by the InVivo group (French union of agricultural cooperatives), InVivo Quest is a program opened this year to European agri-food start-ups.   

The challenge is two-fold:    

  • Identify start-ups that will help speed the transition of the agri-food sector toward more resilient and sustainable practices    
  • Build a European Agri-Food innovation ecosystem  

In 2020–2021: Focus on climate

In this edition, InVivo Quest focuses on agri-food innovation that will effectively combat climate change and its effects. In response to US and Chinese initiatives, InVivo Quest is bringing together a European innovation hub with solutions for the agri-food sector and strengthening the global climate effort. In total, ten categories with high-innovation potential await ingenious ideas from invited start-ups — precision farming, biocontrol and biosolutions, new protein sources, making use of agricultural coproducts, traceability and blockchain, packaging, among others.

Seven months of competition, seven regions in Europe

The European start-ups that enter the competition from September are being divided into seven geographical areas. The same process will be followed in each of the regions: three days to present their innovations, participate in web conferences and promote discussion among network members. A rigorous organization that involves a large number of stakeholders from an eco-system of companies in the European agri-food, innovation and research sectors.

Four Tereos experts on the jury

As a partner of this fourth edition, Tereos will have an active role in expert discussions. Four Tereos employees join the two juries sitting in September and October. In addition to the challenge, monthly web conferences held by event partners will provide a forum for discussions on agricultural innovation.

These events can be followed here!