Building a sound, long-term cooperative model

The agri-foods sector is undergoing a transformation: eating habits are changing, and along with them, so are customers’ expectations. At the same time, the deregulation of some markets constitutes a revolution to which Tereos must adapt. We are building a long-term strategy to address this. Our aim is to become a partner to trust for our customers, guaranteeing them the same standards of quality and reliability wherever they operate.
Supporting market changes
In an environment that is constantly subject to regulatory changes, Tereos has always been able to provide support and adapt to major developments, such as the ending of European sugar quotas. As the second-largest sugar producer in the world, Tereos has acquired the critical mass needed to remain competitive in an open market. At a very early stage, the Group recognized the importance of highlighting the complementary nature of its activities in traditionally segmented markets, as well as looking to maximize the value of its raw materials.
Cultivating excellence throughout the whole value chain
Seeking to take account of the interests of the entire sector, Tereos supports farmers, helping them produce more and produce better thanks to agronomic advice, to the choice of varieties and the promotion of new sustainable and competitive farming practices. On all its sites, Tereos is also putting into play ambitious projects for commercial, operational and industrial competitiveness.
Responding to economic and societal challenges through a circular economy model
Sustainable development and the circular economy are at the heart of the Group’s performance to guarantee a sustainable, high-quality offering. The Tereos production chain is part of a virtuous circle of transformation, which adds value to almost 99.8% of the raw material transformed. Tereos is also committed to the rational management of resources, for example by including 53% renewable energy in its energy mix and reusing the water naturally present in sugar beet to cover most of the water requirements of its sugar mills.