Tereos, evolution of the situation following the water leak on the Escaudoeuvres site (59)
Paris, April 23, 2020
For causes still to be determined, an incident occurred on April 10 at the Tereos sugar factory located at Escaudœuvres in France, near the city of Cambrai. A leak occurred from a water basin containing organic plant-based elements (in this case beet wash water) to the Escaut nearby river.
Tereos immediately implemented the actions necessary to respond to the urgency of the situation and alerted the competent French authorities, mentioning the specific point of the Escaut river.
Simultaneously, Tereos worked closely with the French local authorities to support the few affected residents and the four farmers whose land was flooded. On the field, Tereos teams have been fully engaged in providing solutions and participating in the cleaning of the watercourse in order to speed up the return to normal of their oxygen levels in connection with the French Inland Waterways, municipal teams and associations. An installation of aerators was among other actions put in place at certain places in the Escaut river.
Yesterday, Wednesday April 22, Tereos was contacted following the discovery of dead fish in Belgium more than 30 km from the sugar refinery. At this stage, it is still too early to establish any causal link. Tereos, as a corporate citizen, will assume its responsibility if it were to be established.